Gen 2.4-4.26, Ps 2 Today’s Reading
Author: CoffeeSwirls
January 1, 2016
Today’s Reading: Genesis 1.1-2.3, Psalm 1 Watch this video on YouTube
2-Year Bible Reading Plan
This is a new year and so many Christians have a goal to read through the Bible in that time frame. I’ve done it and believe it’s a noble effort. Heck, I first came to faith while doing it! But reading the Bible in one year is a time commitment…
New Year Confession
I’ve been reading music at my own tempo for over 30 years.
The “Best Of” Awards
Let me start by admitting that this is not an original idea. Neither is a “Worst Of” award show, for that matter, but even some of the categories I will be using here are pulled directly from Dave Dameshek, who has, perhaps, the most entertaining podcast out there in the…
Call for Help: What are the Best Christmas Movies?
I want to start a debate of the best Christmas video presentations out there, not limited to feature film presentations. My intention is to gather up the various titles and have a bracket-style tournament next year between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. The categories and titles below are not set in…
The First Annual CoffeeSwirls Awards!
Welcome to the First Annual award show for things that make you go, “Huh?” You know, you thought you were getting a good deal but then the truth was revealed. “You mean like that Farmer’s Insurance commercial?” Yes. Like that Farmer’s Insurance commercial. Bum Da Dum Bum Bum Bum Bum. I…
NFL Predictions
I made my post season predictions after the NFL’s week 6. In full disclosure, here they are: The AFC will be seeded thusly: 1. Patriots 2. Bengals 3. Broncos 4. Colts or Texans. One loses a playoff game on Wildcard Weekend, the other watches from the couch. 5. Jets 6. Steelers The…
Spoiler Alert!
I’m seriously considering this for 2016
Watch this video on YouTube