I do hope this doesn’t cause you years of professional therapy.
Category: Airing of Grievances
Has your employer given you an exemption form to sign and return?
My dad is in his mid 70’s and drives a school bus to supplement his retirement. He came home today with an exemption form from the school district in order to continue to work without a mask or vaccine and this exemption is supposed to be turned in within the…
The Wussification We Did To Ourselves
I watched my single mom neighbor race down the sidewalk to meet her two boys at the school bus stop, holding her umbrella so they wouldn’t get wet after their half a block walk home. This same mom was yelling at one of them last week because she caught him…
Love Your Neighbor
Watch this video on YouTube
Buh-Bye YouTube Red. Facebook is on notice.
I’ve been a YouTube Red subscriber for years now. Ad-free videos, YouTube original content (which were pretty lame, to be honest), YouTube Music, and so on. It cost a little something each month, but in exchange, I had a wealth of information and entertainment in front of me. I could…
Getting the 4th off, but not the 5th???
I know that I haven’t exactly been faithful to my resolution for 2017, that being my desire to complain more. Well that changes right now, at least for one post. You see, I had to go to work today. On July the 5th. But I got all day off yesterday…
Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?
Never one to shy away from controversy, I have decided to tackle this topic today. I have long put it off, but it is a topic I can ignore no longer. First things first, it is important that we determine the parameters of a sandwich. That is, what it means to…
When good shows start to smell
Benjamin Franklin famously said that guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days. The idea being that both are delightful at first and can be enjoyed for a while, but in time you will begin to tire of them and at a point you will really not want to…
Fitness Trackers are the WORST!
It’s time for my next New Year’s Resolution post. As you may recall, my resolution is to complain more often. And just as I haven’t exactly been consistent in my resolution, the same could be said for most people and their personal resolutions, can I get a witness? I sit…
Hyper-Seasonal Clothing
With the holiday season recently behind us, you probably think I’m referring to ugly Christmas sweaters here, but oh no. It goes far beyond that! Sure, Christmas clothing tends to be obnoxious, and poorly made. Why? Because you can only wear it for 2-4 weeks a year, that’s why. You…