
I’ve been reading through Supernatural by Michael Heiser and it is incorporating into my Macro Theology, which is my term used in partnership with the concept of worldview. I have read about 2/3 of the book so far and have enjoyed it immensely! My wife read it first, and has also read through every biblical reference and side note. I haven’t done so yet, but will when I go through this book chapter by chapter on this blog. Let me give you a sneak peak:

At the Tower of Babel, God created the nations. Shortly after that, He selected Abraham to establish His people, the Divine Council got the rest of humanity. The promise made to Abraham was that all the nations would be blessed through him and the Divine Council became the lesser gods that are referenced throughout the Bible. That blessing promised to Abraham culminated in Jesus, through the gospel, which is the life, death and resurrection of the one who died that we might return to commune with God. That blessing is now extended to the nations, and is also extended to the physical descendants of Abraham. There is no differentiation here. All must accept the Son or they reject the Father.

The nation of Israel whored out and became just another nation by the time of the AD 70 destruction of the temple. So the mission of the church is to be witnesses to the nations, to baptize them and to teach them to obey all that He requires. To reclaim the nations that were mismanaged by the previously-mentioned Divine Council. This is all done in the name and the power of Jesus and He will remain with us to the end of the new age.

The story of reality is being shifted to be more in line with biblical truths that too many churches neglect. Perhaps because it is a story that does NOT marry well to the dispensationalism that is far too prevalent in the churches of America.

Yes, I just went there. Premil eschatology has its strengths and weaknesses, but dispensationalism has been a weakening concept that has largely centered on the church in America. There has been some exportation, but I pray that this is reduced and ineffective, even as the belief in Jesus be marvelously effective in its global spread. Dispensationalism is incoherent and it encourages Christians to abandon the work that Jesus set before us. It tells us to reject the promises made throughout the Old Testament. It undermines the Christian witness that we were supposed to display in Ephesians 2:10. That may not be the reason Michael Heiser wrote Supernatural, but it is certainly a byproduct.

Go ahead and pick up a copy of the book! Follow along and tell me if you think I’m overstating the ramifications here! Did I use an Amazon associates link? Yes. Have I had that account for over a decade? Yes. How much money have I made with it? $0. Should I be proud of this? I don’t care. Let a Bible scholar challenge your perceptions and then study your Bible to see if these things are so.

Or don’t. But then you give up the right to call yourself a Berean. Some people may be wise to unsubscribe from this blog now. It would be better to not be exposed to alternate concepts than to reject the biblical reasons why others accept them.

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Published by CoffeeSwirls